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The Toxic Boss Checklist



The Toxic Boss Checklist

The Toxic Boss Checklist helps you identify whether your boss is toxic or not. All toxic bosses share some awful qualities and creepy characteristics. So, it’s easy to check off the items and determine whether your boss is toxic and, if so, to what extent.

A toxic boss creates mistrust and fosters employees’ negative feelings. An evil boss can lead to low morale and cause high attrition.

And, of course, if you are boss and are unsure whether you are toxic or not, the checklist below is a handy way to assess your own approach to management. (We wouldn’t call it leadership as toxic bosses can only manage, primarily by fiat and fear, and cannot indeed lead people.)

Working for toxic bosses is an awful experience. Most of the time, employees are caught in a rock and a hard place. Despite loving the company, working for a bad boss can make life miserable, stunt career growth, and adversely impact personal life and relationships. But leaving a well-paying job is not often an easy choice.

Dealing with toxic bosses is a story for another day. But today, in this checklist, let’s examine what qualities and attributes characterize a terrible boss.


What is a Checklist?

A checklist of a To-Do list or a Task List is a set of items that are essential to successfully completing a project or achieving a goal.
Checklisted offers a set of pre-built checklists or to-do lists to help jumpstart your process and cut down the effort.

Why should we buy a pre-built Checklist or To do List?

Checklists are an invaluable tool to ensure nothing slips through the cracks. To craft a checklist from scratch takes time, effort, and discipline. Using our checklists is a starting point; you can customize them to your need and focus on adding what is mission-critical from your vantage point. Considering the low price, imagine if the Checklist template saves you even an hour of your precious time?

Can we get Technical Support?

Considering the low price and the generic nature of the tools we use (Excel and PDF), we cannot provide any technical or functional support.

Do you accept returns and can we seek a refund?

Checklists are digital products, and due to the very nature of the product, we cannot accept returns or entertain refund requests. No demos. No previews. No refunds. No replacements. No returns. No trial period.

What is the format of the Checklists

We use Microsoft Excel to format the Checklists. You can customize and modify the checklists to your needs. However, we cannot offer technical support in case the layout or the checkbox functionality does not work.

What will I receive when I purchase a Checklist?

1. A PDF file that you can print and use offline.
2. An Excel Sheet which you can save to your local drive, and then edit and use as your own.
3. Some general information about the checkbox functionality.

The Toxic Boss Checklist

